Mouthwash Dogs and Cats

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Advanced Whitening Rinse:

Indicated for oral health and hygiene in dogs, leaving maximum whiteness in the teeth.
-No alcohol, no sugar, no detergents and no mint flavor.
- The formula is activated by contact with Bacterial Plaque and Germs in the oral cavity, eliminating Bacteria and the bad smell caused by them.
Protects the gums and helps prevent and treat gingivitis.

• Rinse for Cats:

Indicated for oral health and hygiene in cats. No alcohol, no sugar, no detergents and no mint flavors. Safely helps fight periodontal disease without brushing and without adverse effects on periodontal tissues. Whitens teeth with proper and frequent use. Strengthens teeth, restoring enamel.

Shipping Policy:

We ship within 24 business hours of approval of purchase.

The delivery time and shipping cost will depend on the shipping address. We ship anywhere in Colombia.

Delivery time: main cities 1-3 business days, secondary cities 3-5 business days.

Mouthwash Dogs and Cats

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